Whether your Christmas puppy is ready for his/her first dog park visit, or your six year-old canine buddy is going for the thousandth time, here are some tips to follow for a safe and fun outing at your local dog park.
Tip 1: Read the dog park's rules (re-read them if you're a regular)
Many visitors don't read the dog park's rules carefully before entering. Even if you're a seasoned veteran of your favorite dog park, it doesn't hurt to give yourself a refresher and review the rules. If you think you're prepared and know all the rules, ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you know what to do if your dog is involved in a dog fight?
- Are there neuter/spay requirements?
- Are certain collars prohibited (like prong or choke collars)?
The rules are usually posted by the entrance. If you have any questions or see any gray areas in what's posted, there is usually a phone number to call for inquiries.
Tip 2: Bring your own water, especially during hot summer months
With many contagious canine diseases caused by sharing unclean water sources, it's probably best to bring your dog's water. This is especially true during the hot summer months when bacteria grows at a fast rate. I've had many vet bills from my dog drinking and playing in putrid dog park water. Bring a bowl (and water if your park's water fountains do not have a clean water outlet). There are also many various water bowls with built in cups, and no-spill, car-safe canteens available online or at your local pet store.
If your park has puddles from broken sprinklers (a common problem) or a kiddie pool for dogs to play in, remember to keep your dog from drinking the water. Empty any buckets or kiddie pools that may be harvesting bacteria and fill them with fresh water. Call the city or your park's administrator to fix sources of puddles immediately because no one likes muddy dogs and slippery terrain.
Tip 3: Keep a towel and/or baby wipes in your car
This is a good idea for all seasons. In the summer months, my dog loves playing in the kiddie pools (available in some dog parks) and with the park's water hose. I keep a large bath towel in the car to dry him off with. You'll also find baby wipes very handy for when your dog comes in touch with dog waste (not everyone picks up after their dog, which brings us to the next tip).
Tip 4: Keep an eye on your dog
Many people unleash their dogs in the park and sit down with their distractions, while others use their cell phone. While the dog park should be a relaxing experience, keeping an eye on your dog should be the first priority. The most obvious reason is dogs tend to poop. But there are other more important reasons. I've come across people who were so focused on phone conversations they didn't realize their dogs were getting hurt. I remember a man whose dog came to him with a huge gash on his side. The owner had no idea what had happened because he had been talking on his phone. He had to ask around if others saw what happened. It turned out his dog had been playing by a wall that had a metal wire on it. The dog had scratched himself on it. Accidents are preventable and paying attention helps make the difference. My dog, Moby, once scraped off and lost a part of his eyebrow while I was talking to someone. I didn't see he was chased by other dogs around the park benches.
Being attentive and ready to protect your dog from accidents and dog fights could save you heartache and money. Plus, think of all the fun you could have at the dog park too! Play a game of fetch with your dog, chase your pooch, talk to your pup while he or she explores the park. You'll get to be active and stay in shape. It's also fun to see what your canine is up to, and discover the world from a different perspective.
Tip 5: Mounting is NOT okay
At many dog parks, people feel like mounting, or "humping," is just a way some dogs "play." Do not make this mistake. Mounting can be harmful for dogs with bad hips (dysplasia) and joints (arthritis). More importantly, mounting is a dominant behavior. Many dogs do not like it when mounted another dog simply because the other dog is asserting their dominance over them. This could lead to aggressive behavior that could result in a dog fight. It doesn't matter whether your dog is the mount-er or the mount-ee, it's important that it must be stopped. If a dog learns it's OK and keeps mounting, he or she might eventually come across another dog who will react aggressively. I've seen quite a few dog fights start from mounting. If you don't feel comfortable taking someone else's dog off, you may have to ask the owner to do so. Some people don't see anything wrong with this behavior, but perhaps if your explain the harmful results of the behavior, hopefully they'll stop their dog.
Tip 6: It's OK to ask for some space if your dog is not comfortable
If your dog has never been at the park before, and he or she is not aggressive but is somewhat anxious due to the new environment and/or new dogs, it's OK to ask other owners whose dogs are too rambunctious to give you some space. Just explain your dog is still new to it and usually park patrons are more than happy to distract their dogs while your canine acclimates to the new environment. This also goes for frequent visitors who may be outnumbered by a "pack" that's chasing him or her. Sometimes when a group of dogs develop a pack mentality, a fun game of chase can turn reckless. Sometimes herding, nipping, and even tripping of other dogs occur when the chase becomes too rough. I've seen some dogs gang up and try to trip a running dog by pushing down on the top of the fleeing dog's neck. Some dogs slam into the side of running dogs to make them lose balance. You can usually tell by the look of the "chase" game if your dog is in trouble. Being tripped and then nipped by a pack of other dogs can quickly make the lone dog anxious and upset, not to mention potential physical injury from tripping-- sprains and even torn ACLs could occur when a dog trips at high speeds. Your dog is at the park to have fun, but not to risk costly injury and recovery.
Tip 7: Leave food, especially dog treats, at home
Most dog parks have this rule explicitly posted outside, and this one is a no-brainer. Human food and dog treats could draw an unwanted crowd. And if some human food is accidentally dropped, the result could be diarrhea for an unlucky pooch. Some dogs are also aggressive when it comes to getting treats. They are so driven to get the treats that they become territorial over the source, which may not even be their owner. As a result, they may start to attack the dog that actually belongs to the owner, to keep that dog away from the source.
Tip 8: Dog fights are very serious
Aggressive dogs should not be inside dog parks, but dog fights still happen more often than you think. If your pup is in an altercation with another dog, keep calm and tell the other owner that you need to check your dog for injuries. Examine your dog closely. Feel around your dog's neck and torso for cuts and puncture marks. Bite punctures usually close up quickly, but typically a dog that's been bitten will show signs of obvious distress like shaking and whimpering. Proceed to check the rest of your dog while calming him or her. Even if you don't see blood, it's a good idea to exchange contact info with the other dog's owner, and in the case of an aggressive dog, animal control should be called. The key is to remain calm.
My puppy was attacked by an older dog just for being curious and sniffing around. His eyelid was torn by the aggressive dog. My puppy recovered, but I didn't get the other owner's contact information. If the injury had been worse and he required surgery, I wouldn't even have had any recourse because the aggressive dog's owner left the park before I could get his contact info.
It's also important you report aggressive dogs to Animal Control so a file can be started to track him or her. This way, further action could be taken to keep the dog away from the park, if necessary.
You may also find more information on how to read body language and certain aggressive cues that could signal disagreement between dogs here: http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/virtual-pet-behaviorist/dog-behavior/canine-body-language
Tip 9: Leave the dog park in better condition than you found it, use common sense, and don't be afraid to speak up.
Keep your dog from digging holes and fill any holes your dog may have dug. Remember to not leave trash and other items laying around because they could be harmful to the cute pups that visit your local dog park. Remember to use common sense and speak up when you need to.
In my experience in visiting dog parks nearly every day for a year, I've seen families attempt picnics inside dog parks, a dog owner bringing in a cockatoo on her shoulder, and several parents without dogs bringing their children to the park to play with dogs. Children have many other places to play while most dogs are limited to their local dog park for unleashed fun. Tell parents to watch their kid because dogs will always be at fault when a child gets hurt, even if it's inside the dogs' park. Do not be afraid to speak up about something that looks precarious, even if you feel it might make you more enemies than friends; you'd be surprised how many park patrons agree with you.
Following the tips in this article have helped me and my pup enjoy a safe and fun outing at the dog park! Hopefully they can help you. Have you visited the park and discovered other rules or tips that have helped you at the dog park? What common things do you do when you visit the park? Have you ever had a bad experience? I'd love to hear about your experiences.
Nexon Sun loves spending time outdoors all over Southern California with Moby, his two-year old Labrador. With Moby at his side and as his inspiration, he founded a MeetUp group in the Pomona Valley. Together they enjoy activities with other dogs through activities set up through the Pomona Valley Friendly Canines MeetUp.
Nexon Sun loves spending time outdoors all over Southern California with Moby, his two-year old Labrador. With Moby at his side and as his inspiration, he founded a MeetUp group in the Pomona Valley. Together they enjoy activities with other dogs through activities set up through the Pomona Valley Friendly Canines MeetUp.