Morning Pack Walk with LARPBO Friends

This morning Jake stayed home because he sprained his hock (rear leg). So Nanook joined me as we pack hiked with our friends from LARPBO (the Los Angeles Responsible Pit Bull Owners).  We hiked with our dogs through Bonelli park. That's Puddingstone Lake in the background.

The hike was mostly paved.  Then, since we were all wearing hiking boots or galoshes, we decided to go off-trail.  The ground was so soft and muddy since it had been raining for 2 days.  As we went downhill, every time my foot hit the ground, I would slide forward about 3 inches.  Thank goodness my feet sank into the soft mud every time I took a step. If they hadn't, they would have slipped right out from under me and I would have landed on my backside.

We walked about 3.5 miles, then stopped at a playground to play.  We took some pretty awesome pics too!

 To get to Bonelli Park, exit Via Verde from the 57 freeway.  If you are going north on the 57, you would turn right when you exit.  If you are going south, turn left.  The entrance fee is $10 for the day.  We met at the first picnic area.

Since we had only planned on being there for 2 hours, I decided not to pay the $10.  Just outside the park, there is a park and ride where you can park for free.  The extra distance is less than a 1/2 mile walk into the park to the picnic area.  If you're planning to only spend a couple hours, this might be a good option to choose.

Here is the track of our dog hike:

LARPBO (Los Angeles Responsible Pit Bull Owners)

Jim working with Zoey
If you don't know LARPBO, you should.  In addition to advocating and creating GREAT ambassadors for the pit bull breed and dispelling the media myths, they work HARD to help owners of ANY breed of dog to become responsible dog owners.  What does this mean?  Essentially, to be aware and conscientious of the things that your dog is doing. They provide activities for dog owners to get out and be active with their pups.
They also provide weekly community-based training classes for a nominal fee.

Jim and Alyssa were the pack hosts this week. They are just getting started in eastern Los Angeles County. Jim is a wealth of knowledge, and with training sources like Troy Smith, well, all I can say is: "it doesn't get any better than that".

Troy is the founder of LARPBO and has change so many lives of dogs and their owners (not just pit bulls).  See video below for more info.

If you are unable to view the embedded video above, here is a link to their video:
Intro to LARPBO 

If you live in San Bernardino, there is a San Bernardino Responsible Pit Bull Owner group.  Look them up on!

If we didn't see you this week, maybe we'll meet you sometime on the trail!  Until next time, keep on hiking with your dog!